Daily Morning Call

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Russian assets falling apart...

408 views April 11, 2018

The developing situation in Syria, the new US sanctions, and the threat of an allied military...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Xi sparks relief rally in...

244 views April 10, 2018

Chinese president Xi Jinping's speech at the Bo’ao Forum is being read by markets as signalling a...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: How long can Treasuries hold...

320 views April 09, 2018

Ten-year US Treasury yields closed last week just shy of the 2.8% level, but Saxo Bank fixed...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Markets under pressure as Trump...

316 views April 06, 2018

Nerves are on edge and risk sentiment has soured after President Trump said he was considering...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Risk aversion melts away on...

496 views April 05, 2018

Risk appetite has returned with a bang after the Trump administration talked down its own tariff...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Equities bounce back but...

357 views April 04, 2018

Forex markets are steady with a risk-off edge and equities have clawed back some of Monday's...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Forex seeks direction as...

211 views April 03, 2018

The second quarter is off to a very weak start after equities, particularly the tech sector,...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Trade war decimates risk...

416 views March 23, 2018

President Donald Trump's decision to slap $60 billion worth of tariffs on Chinese imports and...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Expectations at a high

356 views March 21, 2018

Saxo Bank head of forex strategy John Hardy wonders how much of a surprise the Federal Reserve...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: GBP rallies limply, tech stocks...

239 views March 20, 2018

News that the EU and the UK had agreed a 21-month Brexit transition deal propelled sterling...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: All eyes on the Powell powwow –...

231 views March 19, 2018

Monday morning and the market's attention is fixed squarely on Wednesday's FOMC meeting where Jay...

Daily Morning Call

From the Floor: Tone risk-off, JPY and USD firm...

259 views March 16, 2018

The final day of the week finds forex markets in risk-off mode with both the Japanese yen and the...