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Morningstar: Why investors love income in large cap funds.

Large-cap domestic-equity funds are maybe not that sexy, but they still are the foundation of most portfolios. So it's important to track their performance.

David Kathman, Senior Fund Analyst at Morningstar, talks about how equity funds which focus on dividends, utilities and real estate investment trusts have been among some of the leaders so far in 2014. This is because utilities, energy, and REITs are far more prominently held by large-value funds rather than large-growth funds. In general large-value funds have been doing somewhat better than large-growth funds.
The two best performing large-cap funds this year so far are the ClearBridge Aggressive Growth and the more value positioned Oakmark Select.

01:44 minutes
Tags: clearbridge aggressive growth, dividends, energy, energy market, energy sector, energy stock prices, funds, income, invest, invested capital, investing, investing 2014, investment, investment idea, investment ideas, investment investing, investment opportunities, investment opportunity, investment strategy, investment trusts, investments, investor, investors, large cap, large cap stocks, large growth, large growth funds, large value funds, morningstar, oakmark select, real estate, returns, saxo tv, shares, shares 2014, shares down, shares or bonds, shares prices, stock, stock dividends, stock exchange, stock market, stock markets, stock picks, stock trading, stocks, stocks to watch,, us economy, us stocks, usd, utilities

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