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With all the headlines about a stock market "shock drop" and "record dips", as an investor or trader you may ask where you should be positioned at the moment. Better than expected news from the eurozone this Thursday added to a fairly complex global picture.
02:26 minutes
Tags: 3c analysis, aud, audusd, cad, canadian dollar, content, currency, dollar, ecb, economics, economy, euro, europe, european central bank, eurozone, eurozone pmi, eurusd, exchange, finance, foreign exchange, forex, france, fx, germany, global, gold, gold price, growth, how to trade, juckes, kit, kit juckes, long, long usd, market, market reaction, markets, news, nzd, pmi, pmi data, positioning, safe haven, saxo tv, sentiment, setiment, soc gen, societe generale, steve lucas, strategies, trades, trading, trading strategy, tradingfloor,, unemployment, usd, usdeur, usdnzd, video, video content, volatility, volume, volumes, world