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BP, ExxonMobil and BG Group shares could be going cheap, at least that's the conclusion of research by Morningstar. As crude prices have tumbled, so have the share prices of many oil companies. But has that sell-off been overdone?
02:17 minutes
Tags: balance sheets, bg, bg group, bp, brent, brent crude, brent price, british petroleum, cfd, cheap, chevron, commodities, commodity, content, crude, crude price, crude prices, equities, equities trading, exxon, exxon mobil, exxonmobil, fall, finance, ftse, ftse 100, good oil companies, index, inegrated, morningstar, news, oil, oil companies, oil price, oil prices, oil producers, oil supply, opec, oversold, owen thomas, owen thomas tv, poducers, profits, saxo, saxo bank, saxo tv, shares, shares down, shell, spread, supply, total, trading, tradingfloor,, tumble, video, wti, wti crude, wti price