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LAMBERT: An opportunity in EURJPY

On his last trading day in 2014, Clive Lambert from FutureTechs is looking for opportunities in EURJPY.

Clive expects the market to be volatile after the US Federal Reserve on Thursday sent a strong signal to the market that is was on track to raise interest rates sometime next year in a sign of confidence in the US economy. Until now, the Fed has said it would keep rates near zero for a “considerable time”.

Clive says a topping pattern in EURJPY suggests there is a short-side opportunity. He is looking to sell below 146.80 and stop above 147.80. Clive’s targets are 145.00 and 144.00.

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01:05 minutes
Tags: clive, clive futuretechs, clive lambert, clive lambert futurestechs, eur, euro, euro yen, euro yen trade idea, euryen, fed, fed meeting, federal reserve, federal reserve janet yellen, foreign exchange, foreign exchange market, forex, forex 2014, forex buying, forex eurjpy, forex exchange, forex idea, forex market, forex markets, forex saxo bank, forex selling, forex trade idea, forex trade ideas, forex trading, forex trading 2014, forextrading, fx, fx award, fx forex, fx market, fx markets, fx options, fx saxo bank, fx strategy, fx trade, fx trade idea, fx traders, fx trades, fx trading, fx volatility, fxtrade, saxo, saxo bank, saxo bank saxo tv, saxo bank trading, saxo bank trading floor, saxo bank, saxo traders, saxo tv, saxo tv saxo bank, saxo tv trades, saxo tv trading floor, saxo tv tradingfloor, saxo tv, saxobank, saxotrader, saxotv, trade, trade idea, trade ideas, trade view, trader, trader idea, traders, traders tale, traders tale clive lambert, traders tale saxo tv, trades, trading, trading currencies, trading floor, trading fx, trading idea, trading platform, trading strategy, trading tips, tradingfloor, tradingfloor saxo bank, tradingfloor saxo tv, tradingfloor trades,, insights, saxo tv, trade ideas, tradingfloorcom

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