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If Russia's debt becomes junk, then what?

The ruble is down more than 3% against the dollar this Tuesday, signalling yet again that the Russian currency is still in trouble. Russia analyst Nadia Kazakova says it’s the continuing fall in oil prices that’s mostly to blame. 

She also expects Russia's sovereign debt to become 'junk' by the end of January after Standard & Poor put it on credit watch in December. Kazakova says this will be swiftly followed by an adjustment to the corporate grade.

The analyst says this will have several implications including Russian debt holders forced to review their positions. She also believes the Russian government may have to step in as the country is forced to repay creditors early due to the downgrade.

02:42 minutes
Tags: brent, brent crude, brent geo-political, brent price, brent spread, crude, crude oil, crude oil price, crude oil prices, crude price, crude prices, crude spread, crudeoil, foreign exchange, forex, forex market, forex markets, forex trading, fx, fx forex, fx market, fx markets, fx options, fx strategy, fx trade, fx trade idea, fx trading, oil, oil and gas, oil commodities, oil demand, oil drop, oil industry, oil inventories, oil market, oil markets, oil news, oil price, oil prices, oil production, oil spread, oil stocks, oil supplies, oil supply, oil trading, oil wealth, rub, ruble, ruble crisis, ruble decline, russia, russia bonds, russia crisis, russia crude, russia economy, russia fundamentals, russia investment, russia oil, russia politics, russia rates, russia ruble, russia sanctions, russian, russian central bank, russian currency, russian economy, russian government, russian outflows, russian politics, russian ruble, saxo, saxo bank, saxo tv, saxotv, trading,, usdrub

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