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Berger: DAX drives on - can investors still hitch a ride?

The German DAX 30 is up more than 21% this year, fuelled by the European Central Bank’s QE programme. Here’s how Serge Berge would trade the stock index, which is one of the most popular traded instruments Saxo Bank clients .

The DAX rose for the 10th consecutive week, which also resulted in the index trading about 27% above its 200-day simple moving average. With the risk of a mean-reversion move lower of at least 5-10%, tactical investors looking to play the market from the long side only need to be patient a bit longer, says Serge Berger.
He says that as long as the ECB and the US Federal Reserve continue to differ on monetary policy, the DAX and other European stocks could see “some pretty good” rallies in the next three to five months.

01:59 minutes
Tags: berger, dax, dax 2015, dax 30, dax futures, dax index, dax index trends, dax rally, dax support, dax support levels, dax trading, ecb, ecb qe, equities, equities saxo, equities trading, equity, equity index, equity market, equity markets, equity portfolio, equity portfolios, equity research, equity strategy, equity trading, european, european central bank, european equities, european stocks, german, german dax, german equities, germany, index, index trading, rallies, rally, saxo, saxo bank, saxo bank equities, saxo bank group, saxo bank saxo tv, saxo bank trading, saxo bank trading floor, saxo bank, saxo bank tv, saxo capital markets, saxo traders, saxo trading, saxo tv, saxo tv saxo bank, saxo tv trades, saxo tv trading floor, saxo tv tradingfloor, saxo tv, saxobank,, saxotrader, saxotv, serge, serge berger, serge berger saxo, serge berger, serge tradingfloor, sergeberger, serger berger, steady, steady trader, stock index, stocks, stocks 2015, stocks markets, trade, trade idea, trader, traders, trading, trading equities, trading equity, tradingfloor, tradingfloor saxo bank, tradingfloor saxo tv,, saxo tv, tradingfloorcom

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