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When there’s turmoil in the markets, such as the on-going uncertainty over Greece, German bund yields should fall. That's because investors head for a risk-off strategy, buying bonds and selling riskier assets. But at the moment German yields are rising.
03:07 minutes
Tags: bond, bond buying, bond investing, bond investors, bond market, bond markets, bond purchase, bond yields, bonds, bonds market, bonds update, bonds v equities, bund, bund future, bund futures, bund market, bund yields, bunds, bundsep14, draghi, draghi ecb, draghi ecb comments, draghi options, ecb, ecb action, ecb draghi, ecb euro, ecb meeting, ecb news, ecb policy, ecb rate, ecb rate cut, ecb rate decision, ecb rates, ecb rates decision, economic, economy, euro, euro dollar, europe, european central bank, european economy, eurozone, fixed income, fixed income bonds, fixed income portfolio, german, german economy, germany, greece, greece bailout, greece crisis, greece debt, greece germany, greek, greek bailout, greek bonds, greek crisis, greek debt, greek economy, greek talks, greekdebt, greenback, greexit, mario draghi, markets, qe, qe 2015, quantitative, quantitative easing, quantitativeeasing, saxo, saxo bank, saxo tv, trading, tradingfloor,, yield, yield levels, yield search, yield spread, yields, yields levels