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01:39 minutes
Tags: bond, bond buy, bond buying, bond buying programme, bond investing, bond investment, bond investors, bond market, bond markets, bond portfolio, bond purchase, bond purchases, bond strategy, bond yield, bond yields, bond-buying programme, bondbuying, bondmarket, bonds, bonds and equties, bonds hedging, bonds market, bonds to equities, bonds update, bonds v equities, bund, bund future, bund futures, bund market, bund yields, bunds, dax, dax index, dax index trends, dax target, dax trading, draghi, draghi ecb, draghi ecb comments, draghi options, draghi reaction, ecb, ecb action, ecb balance sheet, ecb council, ecb draghi, ecb euro, ecb inflation target, ecb meeting, ecb news, ecb policies, ecb policy, ecb qe, ecb rate, ecb rate decision, ecb rate decision interest rates, ecb rates, ecb rates decision, economic, economic data, economic growth, economics, economy, equities, equity, equity market, equity markets, equity portfolio, equity strategy, equity trading, eur, euro, euro area, euro dollar, euro zone, eurodollar, europe, european, european central bank, european economy, european union, eurozone, eurusd, qe, quantitative easing, saxo, saxo bank, saxo tv, trading, tradingfloor,