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The Fed will hike in September, the dollar will strengthen and the euro is set to fall significantly. That's the view of forex market-watcher Kathleen Brooks from City Index. She's convinced the FOMC will 'bite the bullet' and raise rates which will confirm the dollar strength story.
02:51 minutes
Tags: bank of england, bite the bullet, biz, boe, business, city index, content, currencies, currency, currency pairs, dollar, dollar strength, elections, euro, euro dollar, euro prospects, euro strenth, euro weak, europe, eurusd, fed, fed hike, fed meeting, fed minutes, fed rates, finance, forex,, fx, global, global growth, greece, greece crisis, greek crisis, growth, hike, inflation, interest, janet, janet yellen, kathleen brooks, mark carney, markets, news, nonfarm payrolls, owen thomas, rates, report, saxo tv, sterling, syriza, trading,, tv, uk inflation, us data, us economy, us fed, us gdp, us growth, us uk rates, usd, usdeur, video, video content, yelle, yield