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Berger: Buying Apple ahead of September event

Steady Trader Serge Berge believes Apple shares were oversold last week, when panic hit global equity markets. He is looking to buy the stock ahead of September 9, when Apple is scheduled to unveil its latest smartphones and other products.

According to Berger, Apple lost about 20% last week and then rallied back more than 20%. But the stock remains down from its April highs, Berger says. He believes there is room left to the upside and limited downside especially if the broader market goes higher after last week's sell-off.

Berger says he will buy at USD 113.20 or higher, with a stop at 109.70 and a target for the trade at 118.50.

01:18 minutes
Tags: apple, apple ceo, apple event, apple iphone, apple products, apple share price, apple share prices, apple shares, apple tv, berger, equities, equities saxo, equities trading, equity, equity market, equity markets, equity strategy, equity trading, equity us, new, news, saxo, saxo bank, saxo bank equities, saxo bank group, saxo bank saxo tv, saxo bank trading, saxo bank trading floor, saxo bank, saxo bank tv, saxo capital markets, saxo traders, saxo trading, saxo tv, saxo tv saxo bank, saxo tv trades, saxo tv trading, saxo tv trading floor, saxo tv tradingfloor, saxo tv, saxobank,, saxot tv, saxotrader, saxotv, september, september 9 2015, serge, serge berger, serge berger saxo, serge berger, serge traders trale, serge tradingfloor, sergeberger, serger berger, share price, shares, shares prices, steady, steady trader,, stock, stock market, stock markets, stock picks, stock price, stock prices, stock trading, stocks, stocks markets, stocks to watch, tim cook, trade, trade idea, trade ideas, trade view, trader, trader idea, traders, traders tale, traders tale saxo tv, traders tale serge, traders tale serge berger, trades, trading, trading equities, trading floor, trading floor saxo tv, trading idea, trading platform, trading risks, trading strategy, tradingfloor, tradingfloor saxo bank, tradingfloor saxo tv, tradingfloor trades,, insights, saxo tv, trade ideas, tradingfloorcom, upside

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