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The crude facts: Breakouts, strippers and oil

Crude has finally had a technical break to the upside after being stuck in a range for several weeks. Saxo's Ole Hansen says it comes as other commodity prices begin to stabilise. He notes that the supply side is being affected by slowing production in the United States. 

Demand growth is also being revised up and is also looking robust in China for 2016, says Hansen. He says the recovery in emerging markets is helping equities and bonds, proving the significant impact oil prices have on the global economy.

Ole admits that US inventories should be rising by more than they currently are given the seasonal slowdown in refineries. But so far that hasn't happened and he points to production data that's not telling the full story. 

He also gives his price prediction of where both brent and WTI will be over the next few months.

03:59 minutes
Tags: brent, brent crude, brent geo-political, brent price, brent spread, brent wti spread, china, china economy, china economy growth, china gdp, china growth, china manufacturing, china politics, china slowdown, chinese, chinese economy, commodities, commodities markets, commodities prices, commodities supply, commodities trading, commodity, commodity index, commodity investing, commodity investments, commodity market, commodity markets, commodity oil, commodity outlook, commodity prices, commodity strategy, commodity trade, commodity trading, commoditymarket, crude, crude oil, crude oil price, crude oil prices, crude price, crude prices, crudeoil, demand, emerging, emerging economies, emerging market, emerging market economies, emerging markets, emerging markets bond markets, growth, inventories, oil producers, oil production, opec, opec price, production, saxo, saxo bank, saxo bank saxo tv, saxo tv, saxotv, strippers, supply, trading, tradingfloor, tradingfloor saxo bank, tradingfloor saxo tv,, saxo tv, wti, wti and oil, wti brent, wti brent spread, wti crude, wti crude oil, wti price, wti supply, wti us, wti vs brent, wticrude

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