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Knuthsen: Why central banks have got it wrong

They look confused, are too concerned about the risk of deflation and are increasing financial instability in the markets. So says Saxo Private Bank's Teis Knuthsen on central banks.

He believes that they don't appear to understand where inflation comes from and why it's falling. He says reduced energy prices and a move towards a more digital economy are partly responsible. 

Knuthsen says he would like to see central banks recognise that this type of deflation is not necessarily a bad thing while also acknowledging that domestic demand is growing in both the United States and Europe.

Teis calls for a paradigm shift in monetary policy and asks central banks to admit that they can play only a limited role in dealing with inflation.

02:43 minutes
Tags: central, central bank, central bank decision, central bank meetings, central bank policy, central banks, draghi, draghi ecb, draghi ecb comments, draghi options, draghi reaction, ecb, ecb action, ecb draghi, ecb euro, ecb inflation target, ecb meeting, ecb news, ecb policy, ecb qe, ecb rate, ecb rate cut, ecb rate decision, ecb rates, ecb rates decision, europe, european, european central bank, european economy, european union, fed, fed chair, fed chairman, fed chairwoman, fed meeting, fed minutes, fed news, fed policy, fed rates, fed stimulus, fed taper, fed tapering, federal, federal government, federal open market committee, federal policy meeting, federal reserve, federal reserve janet yellen, federal reserve rate, federal reserve rate hikes, federal rseserve, federalreserve, inflation, inflation and investing, inflation eurozone, inflation in europe, inflation rate, inflation rates, inflation report, inflation target, interest rate, interest rates, janet yellen, janet yellen rates, mario draghi, mario dragi ecb, monetary, monetary policy, monetarypolicy, qe, quantitative easing, quantitativeeasing, saxo, saxo bank, saxo bank saxo tv, saxo bank trading floor, saxo tv, saxotv, trading, tradingfloor,, united states, yellen, yellen interest rates, yellen political, yellen rate increases

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