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Garnry: Equities have now entered bear market territory

Take a look at the MSCI all country world index and you'll see that we are now in bear market territory, says Saxo Bank’s Head of Equity Strategy Peter Garnry.

He says the MSCI ACWI is down more than 20% since its 2015 peak. Japanese equities have fallen around 16% this month alone, the second-largest drop since the 1990s.

Peter explains how worries about the banking sector are driving markets down, whether the concerns are justified, and shares how he has adjusted his trading strategy to a high volatility environment.

02:56 minutes
Tags: bank, banking, banks, deutsche, deutsche bank, equities, equity, equity market, equity markets, equity portfolio, equity strategy, equity trading, europe, european, japan, japanese, msci world, peter garnry, peter garnry saxo bank, saxo, saxo bank, saxo bank equities, saxo bank group, saxo bank saxo tv, saxo bank trading, saxo bank trading floor, saxo bank, saxo capital markets, saxo traders, saxo trading, saxo tv, saxo tv saxo bank, saxo tv trades, saxo tv trading floor, saxo tv tradingfloor, saxo tv, saxobank,, saxotrader, saxotradergo, saxotv, shares, stocks, trade, trade idea, trade view, trader, traders, trading, trading equities, trading strategy, tradingfloor, tradingfloor saxo bank, tradingfloor saxo tv,, insights, saxo tv, tradingfloorcom

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