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"Move Into Cash" to Protect Your Money

“QE maybe tapered within the next few meetings”, Ben Bernanke's words on May the 22nd, since then the Nikkei has entered a bear market, and global equities have shown increased volatility.

Saxo Capital Market Chairman Nick Beecroft tells Saxo Bank's Sara Walker, next Wednesday is a critical point for the markets. He says the FOMC needs to give more clarity about its plans.

Until then Nick says the only way to play it is “be defensive”

01:22 minutes
Tags: bear market, ben bernanke, bonds, cash, defensive, equities, fed, federal reserve, fixed income, fomc, global equities, markets, nick beecroft, nikkei, qe, quantitative easing, sara walker, saxo bank, saxo tv,, volatility, yields

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