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Saxo Trading Debates: What next for the Euro zone

Speaking at the Saxo Bank’s trading debate in London, Steven Saywell, head of FX Strategy for Europe at BNP Paribas, explains that the eurozone needs “more integration” in order to overcome its hurdles. 

He says the region still faces many challenges, such as high unemployment levels and deficit problems in countries like Spain and Italy.

Recent data from Eurostat showed that the annual consumer price inflation fell to 1.3 percent from 1.6 percent in July.

Inflation remains well below the European Central Bank's target of close but below 2 percent, warranting the bank's pledge to keep interest rates at current levels for an extended period of time to help the recovery.

ECB President Mario Draghi said on Monday that the eurozone's economy, which ended its recession in the second quarter, remained "fragile" and unemployment was "still far too high".

01:12 minutes
Tags: #tradingdebates, axo bank, bnp paribas, central bank, consumer price inflation, ecb, eur, euro area, european central bank, eurostat, eurozone, inflation, interest rates, italy, mario draghi, rates, recession, recovery, saxo trading debates, saxo tv, spain, steven saywell, trading debates,, unemployment

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