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Can you profit from green investments?

Investing in companies that have a radical green agenda can bring dividends; that's the message of Denmark's Energy Minister. Speaking to Saxo TV's Lea Jakobia, Ida Auken says when resource prices are rising at the rate they are, those companies which have a radical environmental plan could have a real edge. 
It's s worked for one of the world's largest facilities companies, ISS.  The company's Jan Kreiberg explains how much ISS has saved by investing in technology that is particularly environmentally friendly.

02:04 minutes
Tags: agenda, auken, energy, environment, environmental, environmental concerns, friendly, green, green energy, green investments, green taxes, ida, investing, iss, jakobiak, lea, minister, news, radical, saxo, saxo bank, saxo tv, small business, taxation, taxes, technology,, video

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