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The Russian shockwave that's changed the trading world

How will we interact with a Russian company over the coming months? Can we really trust that we'll have a long-term relationship? Questions posed by Teis Knuthsen, the CIO of Saxo Private Bank, now that Russia has sent a "shockwave" through the old international order. 
Teis argues that the country's intervention in Ukraine and Crimea means investors are facing a new global dynamic. On Tuesday, NATO suspended cooperation with Russia because of its actions. If Russia is to be considered "an enemy", it changes the concept of globalisation as we know it. There's a "clear and immediate" impact on Russia too; Teis says it's very likely that Russia will fall into recession. At the same time, Russia is strongly embedded into the global economy. A negative outcome for Russia, he says, is bad news for the whole world. 

01:53 minutes
Tags: anders, business, cooperation, crimea, devaluation, dynamic, economy, finance, gdp, globalisation, globalization, growth, interest rates, international, international relations, investing, macro, micex, nato, negative, news, order, privat, rasmussen, recession, rub, rubel, ruble, russia, russia economy, russian, russian central bank, russian equities, russian ruble, russian shares, saxo, saxo bank, saxo private bank, saxo tv, shares, shockwave, teis knuthsen, tesi, trading world,, ukraine, usdrub, video, world, world economy

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