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The UK is steaming ahead, but context is key

The UK will be the best performing large economy this year, according to the IMF. Factory output is picking up strongly, so has the pound. However, manufacturing is still well below pre-crisis levels.

Neil Prothero, Deputy Chief Economist at the EEF - the manufacturers' organisation for UK manufacturing companies - has observed positive growth over the last several months in the manufacturing industry. A recent quarterly survey conducted by the EEF showed improvements in: output levels, hiring intentions, and investment plans. The outlook for the manufacturing industry appears optimistic with the EEF predicting manufacturing output to grow at a rate of 2.7 percent.

It is worth noting that manufacturing output is still 8.2 percent below pre-crisis levels and the economy has a long way to go until a full-recovery can be attained.

01:32 minutes
Tags: domestic manufacturing orders, economic crisis, eef, eef manufacturing data, eef manufacturing statistics, eef manufacturing survey, eef neil prothero, eef results, eef survey, engineering employers federation, engineering employers federation data, forecasts, international manufacturing orders, macro economics, macroeconomic, macroeconomic data, macroeconomics, manufacturing, manufacturing data, manufacturing numbers, manufacturing pmi, manufacturing survey, neil prothero, pmi, pmi data, pmi forecasts, pmi manufacturing, saxo, saxo bank, saxo bank saxo tv, saxo bank trading floor, saxo bank, saxo tv, saxo tv saxo bank, saxo tv trading floor, saxo tv tradingfloor, saxo tv, trading, tradingfloor saxo bank, tradingfloor saxo tv,, insights, saxo tv, uk manufacturing, uk manufacturing data

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