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Investors willing to cope with a high level of volatility within their portfolios may look to invest in closed-end municipal bond funds. Many are trading at a premium discount, but the funds' average historical discount is what makes them a possible attractive investment at the moment.
According to Tim Strauts from Morningstar, discount rates for municipal bonds can fluctuate greatly, which is why using a Z-Score analysis to extrapolate historical trends helps to identify truly attractive discount rates. A Z-Score of -1 signals a buying opportunity, while a Z-Score of +1 indicates a selling opportunity. As of April 15th, closed-end municipal bonds hit a Z-Score of -1.2, which Strauts states has been a good point-of-entry based on historical trends.
01:22 minutes
Tags: 2008 recession, bond, bond buying, bond buying opportunity, bond buying z-score, bond investing, bond investors, bond market, bond markets, bond purchase, bond purchases, bonds, bonds market, buying opportunity, closed-end municipal bonds, fixed income, fixed income portfolio, forex, investing, investing in bond, investing in municipal bonds, investment strategy, investors, morningstar, morningstar strauts, municipal bonds, municipal closed-end bonds, saxo bank, saxo bank forex, saxo bank saxo tv, saxo bank trading, saxo bank trading floor, saxo bank, saxo tv, saxo tv saxo bank, saxo tv trading floor, saxo tv tradingfloor, saxo tv, volatile bonds, volatility, volatility forex, z-score, z-score +1, z-score -1