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Jakobsen: Europe’s China Syndrome

China and the Euro, both dependent on each other far more that we might think. Europe, China’s largest marketplace is suffering from low inflation, while in China growth is slowing, despite April’s import and export figures looking better.  Is China actually exporting deflation?  

Yes it is, according to Saxo Bank’s Chief Economist Steen Jakobsen, who argues that both the Eurozone and China are at the centre of a slowing world economy which will see stagnation for the immediate future, and he argue that ECB action, or lack of it, can't change the status quo. 



02:21 minutes
Tags: angus walker, china, china 2014, china banks, china credit bubble, china data, china deflation, china economy, china economy growth, china equity market, china exports, china gdp, china gold, china growth, china in 2014, china manufacturing, china outlook, china pmi, china policy, china politics, china rates, china slowdown, china stock market, china trade data, ecb, ecb action, ecb annoucnment, ecb balance sheet, ecb borrowing costs, ecb bund futures, ecb council, ecb draghi, ecb euro, ecb inflation target, ecb mandate, ecb meeting, ecb negative interest rates, ecb news, ecb policies, ecb policy, ecb press conference, ecb rate, ecb rate cut, ecb rate decision, ecb rate decision interest rates, ecb rates, ecb rates decision, ecb stress, euro, euro area, euro dollar, euro zone, european, european central bank, eurozone, eurozone crisis, gdp, gdp data, gdp estimate, gdp estimates, gdp forecasts, gdp growth, gdp growth europe, gdpusd, jakobsen, macro, macro economics, macro economy, macro event, macro events, macro policy, macro strategy, macros, saxo tv, steen jakobsen, trading risks,

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