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Beecroft: The ECB's foreign exchange rate obsession

"I wouldn't be surprised to see an ECB deposit rate of minus one percent", the words of Nick Beecroft, the Chairman of Saxo Capital Markets. He says the European Central Bank is obsessed with the strength of the foreign exchange rate and history tells us the tool of choice to tackle this is a major deposit rate cut; we've seen something similar in Denmark and Switzerland.
However, he says there all the tools the ECB has at its disposal have drawbacks and notably, a major cut in the deposit rate can mess up the operation of the inter-bank markets. He also points out that one of the drivers of euro strength isn't going away, and that's the outflow of capital from Russia and associated regions into the single currency, which is perceived as having safe-haven status. A kind of currency war is developing, says Nick. 

02:48 minutes
Tags: beecfot, business, capital, currency, currency wars, denmark, deposit, deposit rate, draghi, ecb, eu, eu minister, euro, europe, european, european central bank, eurozone, finance, flight, foreign exchange, fx, fx trading, macro, mario, markets, news, nick, nick beecroft, obsession, outflows, preident, rates, russia, safe haven, saxo, saxo bank, saxo tv, saxotv, suss, switzerland,, ukraine, video, wars

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