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It’s been revealed that talks between US agricultural giant Monsanto and its rival Syngenta have broken down. Although the world’s largest seed company doesn’t need the Swiss firm, the deal would have allowed it to move its tax location to Switzerland.
02:11 minutes
Tags: agricultural, agricultural commodities, agriculture, agriculture sector, american, bio tech, bio technology, biotech, cash, cash flow, company, company stocks, corn, corn drops, corn price, corn prices, corn production, corn supply, corporate, corporation tax, deal, deals, europe, european, firms, market, market price, monsanto, peter garnry, petergarnry, pharma, pharmaceutical, pharmaceuticals, s and p, saxo bank, saxo tv, saxotv, share price, shares, shares 2014, shares down, shares europe, shares prices, switzerland, syngenta, tax, tax policy, tax proposals, taxes,, united states, us, valuation, valuations, world