Saxo Group Videos

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Bonds PAGE 18 - Bonds Course SUMMARY.mp4 (01:16)

Saxo Tools Introduction (01:05)

An introduction to some of the features made available to you...

Editing in CCM (03:11)

Learn more about the CCM module and how can you edit any existing...

End of Day (01:04)

Learn how to request End of Day files whenever you desire.

CCM Adding Clients (03:25)

Learn more about the CCM module and how can you add more users or...

Trading Conditions (03:20)

Learn how to create widgets that define your Trading Conditions and...

Access Administrator (02:11)

Learn the roles of the Access Administrator and how to accomplish...

Simulation Services (01:13)

Learn how to create simulation accounts either individually or in...

Editing Lead Signup Flows (05:02)

Learn more about Lead Signup and how to customize it in order to...

Cash Transfers (01:44)

Learn how to transfer cash individually or via a bulk transfer...

Getting Started with Lead Signup Flows (02:57)

Learn the basics of setting up a Lead Signup Flow and what options...

SaxoTreasurer - Betalingsinstruktioner (02:58)

Sådan opretter du betalingsinstruktioner i Webconnect
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