Saxo Group Videos

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Akcje - Dlaczego inwestorzy kupują akcje? (11:40)

Dochód z dywidendy i wzrost kapitału to dwa główne powody, dla...

BO Course 1 DA Full (09:36)

CFDs Course 1 DA Full (17:35)

EQ Course 1 DA Full (13:56)

FU Course 1 DA Full (12:36)

FX Course 1 DA Full (15:29)

FXO Course 1 DA Full (19:52)

OPT Course 1 DA Full (09:40)

Options - Trading long calls and puts (10:28)

In this module, you’ll learn how to trade a 'long call' and a 'long...

Options - Long vs short, assignment, exercise &... (06:11)

In this module, you’ll learn the difference between being long and...

Futures - Discovering technical analysis (04:43)

In this course we will introduce you to basics of technical...

Futures - Support, resistance and trends (04:09)

Markets tend to move in a general direction, or trend. In this...
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