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Jakobsen: No matter what Britain votes, the EU... (03:50)

The June 23 vote in Britain on whether to remain a member of the...

Boye: Next 48 hours could be critical for Greece (01:47)

Lots of action in the bond markets after Greek voters rejected the...

#SaxoStrats: EURUSD and Greece (01:35)

EURUSD is down again this Tuesday amid increasing concern over...

Fasdal: Greek crisis at “critical” stage (02:31)

The crisis in Greece, which threatens its membership of the euro,...

Jakobsen: Why Juncker's EU appointment would be... (02:52)

Jean-Claude Juncker: He's "bad" for Europe and his appointment as...

Beecroft: Eurobonds "necessary" for future of euro (01:16)

Saxo Capital Markets UK Chairman Nick Beecroft believes that...

Jakobsen: Markets "overconfident" about Merkel... (02:44)

Angela Merkel has won a historic third term in office, promising...

Trade idea: Sell DAX as further weakness lies... (00:58)

Steve O’hare from First 4 Trading is looking to sell the DAX Index....

Saxo Traders: Opportunities in options (01:24)

Now that the FOMC and German elections are over, Saxo Bank's...

Euro steady as Merkel gauges coalition move (01:53)

The euro remained steady after German Chancellor Angela Merkel won...

Jakobsen: Germany's inconvenient truth (02:01)

Germany's elections later this month have merely suppressed the...

German growth "not enough" (01:18)

Germany has had a slew of economic data out which paints a mixed...
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