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From the Floor: Iron ore plunges on China... (12:47)

The Moody's downgrade of Chinese debt saw iron ore futures crater...

#SaxoStrats: Flying high with Lufthansa (01:18)

Europe’s largest airline Lufthansa is well-positioned to handle the...

Boye: VW bond yields accelerate as emissions... (02:59)

The Volkswagen emissions scandal has sent investors running not...

Boye: Bonds back in business as concerns over... (01:49)

Investors are returning to the European bond markets as concerns...

Boye: Beware of Greek risks ahead (01:54)

Markets have celebrated news of a third bailout for Greece. But...

Boye: Markets buoyant on hopes of Greek deal (01:36)

European markets are rallying after Greece has submitted new...

Boye: Next 48 hours could be critical for Greece (01:47)

Lots of action in the bond markets after Greek voters rejected the...

Boye: Bond markets calm before Greek storm (01:40)

There is a sense of calm before the storm in the bond markets ahead...

Boye: No mayhem in bond markets over Greece – yet! (02:07)

It’s been a very dramatic morning for European fixed income after...
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