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Mind the gap – Essential Trades for Q1 2016 (01:44)

The markets are in for a big surprise as they do not seem to grasp...

Jakobsen: Global economy being strangled by... (03:32)

For the global economy to get back on track, what the world now...

Alibaba - just how worried should investors be? (04:14)

A year ago the Chinese online retail giant Alibaba launched with...

Beijing pressing 'panic button'? Here's what... (04:03)

Saxo Bank's Head of FX Strategy John Hardy brings us up to date...

Knuthsen: Investment alternatives to Gold and... (02:02)

Oversupply and overvalued. That’s what’s wrong with oil and gold...

Jakobsen: The Chinese bubble that just won't burst (03:21)

Since its peak on June 12th, the Chinese stock market has fallen...

Jakobsen: Why I wouldn’t put ALL my money in... (02:05)

Stock markets around the world have soared in the past year with...

When is it time to panic over Greece? (02:30)

Markets have reacted calmly to a breakdown in talks between Greece...

Loong: Markets need to accept low growth as... (05:00)

Pauline Loong, Managing Director of Asia-analytica, gives us her...

Hardy: What the markets want from Yellen (02:10)

Janet Yellen, the new Fed Chair, faces the US Congress and Senate...

Jakobsen: We should all be worried about France (01:53)

Industrial output has surprisingly fallen again in France and Steen...

Trade idea: Why I'm buying Aviva (00:49)

The British insurance giant, Aviva, is the focus of Joe Neighbour's...
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