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Jakobsen: The Chinese bubble that just won't burst (03:21)

Since its peak on June 12th, the Chinese stock market has fallen...

Loong: Markets need to accept low growth as... (05:00)

Pauline Loong, Managing Director of Asia-analytica, gives us her...

Jakobsen: Why China can't fail (02:15)

More bad economic data from China; the latest HSBC Purchasing...

Video: Asia Market Focus: China's data showing... (05:16)

Monthly data from China just released has indicated high inflation...

Video: Asia Market Focus: RBA & BOJ rates and... (07:08)

Thus far a week with surprises with the Bank of Japan cutting rates...

Video: Asia Market Focus - Obama and Wen talk... (05:46)

Dollar yen spike shows the sentiment of nerves awaiting signs of...
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