Why a global economic slowdown is due in 2018 –... (01:35)
Saxo Bank’s head of macroeconomic research Christopher Dembik...
Why French president Macron’s biggest problem... (02:39)
The economic situation in France seems bright, but unemployment...
French labour market reform sends a strong... (01:55)
Saxo Bank’s head of macroeconomic research Christopher Dembik takes...
Q4 Outlook - Macro: Credit impulse contraction... (00:56)
Understanding the global credit impulse is crucial if one is to...
How the European Union can be reformed —... (02:00)
Ahead of French president Emmanuel Macron’s speech on the EU, Saxo...
Why Germany must focus on its own economy —... (01:40)
Ahead of the German election, Saxo Bank’s head of macroeconomic...
Quarterly Outlook: So far, so good — #SaxoStrats (01:11)
By Christopher Dembik
For the first time since the 2012 debt...
Europe Divided: If Le Pen was French president... (02:49)
Marine Le Pen has reached the second round of the French...
Europe Divided: If Macron was French president... (01:28)
Emmanuel Macron is facing Marine Le Pen in the second round of the...
Europe Divided: Le Pen versus Melenchon —... (02:02)
Marine Le Pen facing Jean-Luc Melenchon could be the worst scenario...
Europe Divided: Fillon versus Macron — #SaxoStrats (01:19)
Emmanuel Macron facing Francois Fillon in the French election is a...
Europe Divided: Le Pen versus Fillon — #SaxoStrats (01:19)
Marine Le Pen squaring up against Francois Fillon in the French...