Why I believe oil will go lower: O'Hare (02:39)
Steve O'Hare of First4Trading.net discusses in a technical chart...
#SaxoStrats - Why we're taking a big risk with... (01:06)
In his latest #SaxoStrats trade Saxo Bank's Head of Equity Strategy...
Hansen: Wild weather whipping up food price storm (03:39)
Every few years a warm pool of water develops across the eastern...
Commodities: Lower for longer - oil to stay... (04:07)
Saxo Bank's Head of Commodity Strategy Ole Hansen with his weekly...
#SaxoStrats - Shorting Glencore as China slump... (02:06)
Glencore may have seen its share price slump 60% in the last 12...
Knuthsen: Investment alternatives to Gold and... (02:02)
Oversupply and overvalued. That’s what’s wrong with oil and gold...
Will the strong USD continue to pummel... (02:48)
Commodities have been taking a beating from the strong dollar. So...
Hansen: Why i'm not calling it an oil rally, yet (03:13)
With OPEC meeting next week, Saxo Bank's Head of Commodity Strategy...
Lambert: Stockpile decline sparks rally in... (01:14)
The price of Brent Crude rallied Thursday as concerns of...
O’Hare: Why I’m bullish on WTI (00:52)
Steve O’Hare from First 4 Trading remains bullish on oil in
Hansen: Oil bulls are charging while gold sits... (02:20)
It’s been another action packed week for oil as a dramatic rally in...
#SaxoStrats – Selling WTI (01:34)
Saxo Bank’s Head of Commodity Strategy Ole Hansen is looking to...