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Hardy: Will central banks offer relief after... (03:17)

It's a big week for FX traders with both the FOMC and Bank of Japan...

#SaxoStrat - Buying EURPLN options as zloty... (01:48)

The Polish zloty is coming under pressure as the new government...

Elliott: The USD death-cross warning for FX... (03:05)

There's a 'death cross' in the USDJPY charts which could signal...

Boye: VW bond yields accelerate as emissions... (02:59)

The Volkswagen emissions scandal has sent investors running not...

O'Hare: Dow down as global equities come under... (01:38)

Steve O'Hare explains why he's anticipating setting shorts in the...

Hardy on the 'impressive' dollar strength story (02:51)

The US dollar has been trading at cycle highs across the board, not...

Hardy: FX week ahead - JPY, EUR & AUD (03:30)

It’s been a tough few weeks for Japan – with more bad news this...

GBP worries persist despite the Scotland 'no' vote (03:54)

The immediate uncertainty surrounding the future of the UK and the...

Jakobsen: We should all be worried about France (01:53)

Industrial output has surprisingly fallen again in France and Steen...

Jakobsen: US reality is increasingly dire (02:00)

Enjoy the third quarter of 2013, the next peak won't be for another...

Europe's next banana skin (01:11)

So the French President reckons France is on the verge of an...
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