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Portugal: The next Greece? What you need to know (02:49)

Could we see a repeat of the brinkmanship which caused turmoil on...

Coleman: EURJPY downward move to extend (01:33)

Ian Coleman, Director at PIA first, is setting shorts in EURJPY; "A...

EURUSD - Long-term downtrend and here's why (01:05)

Amid the headline reaction in EURUSD caused by the Greek tragedy,...

#SaxoStrats - Buying Deutsche Borse Group (01:01)

In his latest #SaxoStrats video Head of Equity Strategy Peter...

Greece talks - what are the markets saying? (03:31)

Talks aimed at ending the stand-off between Greece and Germany...

Hardy: QE euro drop, where will it stop? (03:16)

The Euro saw steep losses after the ECB fired its 'big bazooka', a...

Boom! ECB fires the 'big bazooka' but will it... (04:02)

The ECB has expanded its bond purchase programme to the tune of EUR...

Jakobsen: ECB about to make biggest policy... (04:28)

Timing is everything and the ECB has got it completely wrong...

Beecroft: Mario Draghi is "out of ammo" (04:23)

Rates have now hit rock bottom in the Eurozone with ECB President...

Veksler: What's really behind the euro shorts (02:11)

Investors haven't been this bearish towards the euro for years; the...

Beecroft: The ECB brings out the big guns (02:53)

The ECB has brought out the big guns in an effort to combat...

Hardy on Draghi, the ECB and where next for the... (02:14)

The ECB has announced a raft of stimulus measures including a...
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