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Apple in the doldrums: Garnry (01:19)

Apple tonight holds its annual fall media event and it is expected...

Berger: Why I’m buying VIX call options (01:48)

With upcoming events like the ECB and FOMC meetings posing risks to...

Coleman: How the ECB provided my best and worst... (02:29)

Trading around big events like European Central Bank meetings can...

Watching Apple grow - latest analysis from San... (07:04)

When the world's most valuable company, Apple, launches new...

#SaxoStrats - EURUSD put spread (01:32)

Saxo's John Hardy notes that EURUSD is close to the bottom of the...

Jakobsen: The dangers of negative rates (02:01)

The ECB's Mario Draghi has attempted to play down speculation the...
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