#SaxoStrats - Market too negative on European... (01:18)
Shares of the iShares STOXX Europe 600 Insurance ETF are down 22%...
Eerie echoes of 2008 emerging on the Dow chart (01:50)
If you take a look at the chart for the Dow Jones Industrial index,...
Energy’s endgame – Essential Equity Trades for... (02:41)
Deep in debt due to low oil prices and with banks running
out of...
Simon Fasdal: Why emerging market fear could... (02:54)
Will the fourth quarter of 2015 see investors returning to emerging...
7 years after Lehman, only now are the lean... (03:07)
We've learned nothing since the collapse of Lehman Brothers seven...
Traders Clinic: Top tips for new traders (05:20)
In this week's Traders Clinic, Gerald Ashley, an expert in risk,...
Earnings Season: Will Q2 kick off US stock rally? (02:59)
Serge Berger believes US stocks are set to rally in the second half...
Nintendo numbers, Uber upsets and Facebook... (04:15)
This week, tech analyst Stuart Miles looks at whether Nintendo...
Why shorting life could be good for long term... (02:03)
Some big life assurance companies could soon prove to be...
Market uncertainty as Draghi again just hints... (02:00)
The ECB's Mario Draghi gave little away at his regular monthly news...
Hansen: Where's the floor in crude prices? (01:59)
Despite a slight rally this Friday, Brent crude continues to trade...
0008_John_Hardy_Stress_Tests_Angus_2014-10-24_C... (03:25)
John Hardy, Saxo Bank's Head of FX Strategy, assesses possible...