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Boye: Next 48 hours could be critical for Greece (01:47)

Lots of action in the bond markets after Greek voters rejected the...

#SaxoStrats: Energy returns to Abengoa (01:40)

Spanish bioenergy company, Abengoa, employs 25,000 people. In...

Jakobsen: Great value in Asian bonds (02:54)

Just back from a trip to Hong Kong, Saxo Bank’s Steen Jakobsen...

Boye: Western investors and the hunt for Asian... (01:46)

Low yields in Europe are likely to send fixed income investors...

Fasdal: Risky Russia and Brazilian bonds -... (02:10)

The ECB’s QE programme is driving bond yields down to all-time lows...

Fasdal: Right on the money with bonds (02:28)

Last year, Saxo Bank’s Head of Fixed Income Strategy Simon Fasdal...

Brazilian bonds offer kicking returns, but... (01:56)

The focus of the world is on Brazil for the World Cup but what...

Why Russian bonds could heat up your portfolio (01:27)

Russia may be cold this time of the year but it’s certainly hot...
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