Fed pursuing aggressively weaker USD policy:... (02:52)
The main message from the Federal Reserve, says Saxo's Steen...
Jakobsen: Global economy being strangled by... (03:32)
For the global economy to get back on track, what the world now...
Steen Jakobsen: Emerging Markets the "biggest... (08:01)
In the global hunt for yields could Emerging Markets offer the...
Fasdal: Brazil on the brink so beware (03:06)
The Brazilian real is at its weakest point against the US dollar....
Berger: Will VW scandal trigger wider... (03:28)
The emissions scandal hitting Volkswagen seems to have started a...
7 years after Lehman, only now are the lean... (03:07)
We've learned nothing since the collapse of Lehman Brothers seven...
Garnry: Volatility is nothing to be afraid of... (03:33)
The usual response to market turmoil is to sell and stay away from...
Jakobsen: Is now the time to short the dollar? (03:21)
Dollar strength is peaking, according to Saxo's Steen Jakobsen, and...
Exchange Traded Products - showing us where the... (03:06)
Blackrock investment strategist Wei Li gives us her update on the...
Jakobsen: All these zeroes will add up to a... (02:38)
"We have zero growth, zero inflation and zero hope.", a gloomy...
Why I'm still bullish on equities despite the... (02:30)
The global economy is accelerating and that's being powered by...
Garnry: My essential equity trades for Q1 (02:19)
The dramatic collapse in the price of oil has shifted the...