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Lucas: GBPJPY Death Cross gives life to short... (01:21)

Steve Lucas from 3c Analysis has spotted a Death Cross, where the...

Lucas: AUDJPY trade - safe haven from Greece... (01:28)

Steve Lucas outlines his trade in AUDJPY. "Apart from Greece,...

#SaxoStrats - Buying short-dated EURJPY put (01:41)

Ahead of a Bank of Japan meeting expected to reveal more about BOJ...

Lucas: Still scope for Aussie Yen (00:55)

Steve Lucas is trading AUDJPY amid a lot of 'will they, won't they'...

Lucas: Nailing the Small Hammer in USDJPY (01:15)

Steve Lucas sees a Daily Shooting Star in USDJPY as a signal of a...

Hardy: USDJPY set to soar if US data delights (03:06)

John Hardy, Head of FX strategy at Saxo Bank, looks at the week...
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