Saxo Group Videos

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Google’s car accidents, Sharp’s decline and the... (03:34)

This week tech expert Stuart Miles looks at whether a number of...

Should we all be investing in Irish healthcare? (02:01)

What is it with Ireland's healthcare companies? In the past week...

Berger: Looking for a good deal from Groupon (01:38)

Online and social media stocks have experienced a resurgence as MA...

The Nokia deal: What's Microsoft thinking? (01:32)

Why has Microsoft agreed to buy Nokia's moible phone business for...

Weekly Equity Update: M&A outlook 2010 and beyond (05:27)

In this week’s equity update as we finish off the 3rd quarter,...

Weekly Equity Focus Video: The return of M&A,... (09:18)

Saxo Bank chief equity strategist looks at some recent corporate...
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