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Jakobsen: Where does the UK election result... (03:07)

The Conservative victory in the UK has left Britain's Labour party...

US jobs data - Have we seen the peak? (02:41)

With increasing signs of a slow down in the US, Head of Macro...

Koefoed: US economy now fully recovered (02:03)

The latest economic data from the United States is, on the face of...

Beecroft: Sterling set to strengthen against euro (02:28)

Sterling is set to continue its appreciation against the euro, says...

Jakobsen: Housing markets are under attack (02:11)

Saxo Bank’s Chief Economist Steen Jakobsen is bearish when it...

Jakobsen: Market correction 'will be deeper and... (03:35)

Outrageous Predictions is back, and we would like you to be a part...

Why this USD rally has another 20% to go (02:43)

The US dollar still has a long way to climb, up to twenty percent...

How long can this lack of volatility go on for? (03:12)

Saxo Bank's top analysts give their views on the current lack of...

Why 'Made in the USA' makes a difference (01:18)

Bob Johnson, Director of Economic Analysis with Morningstar...

Inflation's down, wages are up so what's the... (01:17)

British inflation's at a four year low and it's expected that for...
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