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3 reasons to buy copper: Hansen (01:37)

Industrial metals have seen a solid rise this year and copper in...

Gold meltdown as metal prices collapse ahead of... (01:10)

Gold has hit February 2010 lows, with other precious metals...

#SaxoStrats - Why we're taking a big risk with... (01:06)

In his latest #SaxoStrats trade Saxo Bank's Head of Equity Strategy...

Hansen: Wild weather whipping up food price storm (03:39)

Every few years a warm pool of water develops across the eastern...

O'Hare: Greece and Gold - why I'm setting shorts (01:26)

Steve O'Hare is setting shorts in Gold based on his assessment that...

How's the strong USD affecting your commodity... (03:11)

Another disappointing week for commodities. Starting with crude and...

Hansen: Get your teeth into the oil bear market (04:01)

A couple of months ago you'd be laughed off the trading floor if...

Steve O'Hare: Gold glitters in dull markets  (01:25)

Tricky markets this week but Steve O’Hare from First 4 Trading has...

Has copper bottomed out?  (01:33)

High Grade Copper has fallen for the fourth day in a row and the...

Alcoa kicks off earnings season with strong start (01:46)

Aluminium producer Alcoa has kicked off the earnings season by...
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