Saxo Group Videos

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Hansen: Twin trading tracks for oil and gas (03:16)

Both oil and natural gas have had two stories to tell this week....

Why commodities like coffee are steaming ahead (02:39)

From Arabica coffee to lean hogs, it’s been a good first half of...

Ole Hansen: China wins long term; Russia wins... (02:09)

There have been Chinese whispers about it for a decade. But now...

Q4 Commodity Outlook: Weak fundamentals create... (02:18)

Into the fourth quarter we think the impact of the latest round of...

Commodities continue to struggle hurt by... (09:30)

Commodities across the board were generally lower in the week hurt...

Commodity Weekly Video: Grains higher on dry... (05:58)

Grains, and in particular wheat and corn led commodities higher due...

Video: Weekly Commodity Update: Shaky start to... (06:28)

Off the back of a strong tail end of 2010, commodities are off to a...
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