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#SaxoStrats - Buying Netflix straddle (00:51)

Netflix on average sees around 10% volatility following its...

What Facebook's doing will change your view of... (02:04)

There's a reason why Facebook is the top US equity pick of Saxo's...

3 reasons why Alibaba's IPO is causing a frenzy (02:40)

There is something of a frenzy about Alibaba's upcoming IPO. It...

Nokia rings alarm bells (01:09)

Nokia's Q4 earnings have confirmed the concerns of many investor...

What's wrong with top tech stocks (01:36)

Three tech stocks to watch. First, IBM and Peter Garnry, Head of...

Trade idea: Trade long Cisco Systems on good... (00:57)

Michael Jarman, H2O Markets trader, is looking at the...
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