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Can Bitcoin ever be a real FX alternative (02:54)

Are digital currencies, such as Bitcoin, a passing fad or are we...

How to trade a US shutdown (02:12)

Saxo's Steen Jakobsen is in no doubt; there will be a shutdown in...

Jakobsen: Germany's inconvenient truth (02:01)

Germany's elections later this month have merely suppressed the...

The great rotation and the great returns (01:32)

Just what's going on in the markets and are we really in the midst...

Do you dare trade emerging market currencies? (01:37)

"We could be setting ourselves up for the mother of all counter...

Growth in Europe: Watch Fiat move (01:31)

Why is Fiat the most undervalued car maker in Europe? According to...

Why is silver rallying now? (01:07)

Silver has rallied around 11% in the past five days. So why such a...

Why it's time to power up your portfolio (01:29)

Utility shares are at a ten year low, so now's the time to put some...

Europe's improving. No, really (01:23)

Europe is definitely showing signs of economic recovery, according...

Veksler: Why I like the hated Aussie dollar (01:29)

The world still "hates" the Aussie dollar, but I still like it: the...

Mark Carney's big mistake (01:40)

The Bank of England's new governor, Mark Carney, is about to make a...

The fallout from the potash "nuclear bomb" (01:27)

The equivalent of a nuclear bomb's been detonated in the potash...
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