Faraday: Weak commodity prices hurting the... (01:00)
Low commodity prices has seen the Australian dollar trading at...
Garnry: Why more ECB QE could be bad news for... (02:03)
The European Central Bank is widely expected to ease its monetary...
Koefoed: 3 reasons why the Fed will delay a... (02:48)
While a majority of analysts now believe the Federal Reserve will...
Why trading oil is like 'catching a falling knife' (02:25)
Oil prices continue their decline this Wednesday with WTI just...
A UK rate rise by Christmas? (02:33)
We could see an interest rate rise in the UK within six months....
Gold Is Punch Drunk (01:21)
Gold has felt the selling pressure for weeks. Saxo Bank traders are...
Trader Talk: How We're Navigating Japanese... (01:37)
The Japanese markets are incredibly choppy. So what are Saxo Bank...