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Jakobsen: Will the G20 offer the global economy... (01:49)

Ahead of the G20 meeting in Shanghai, the International Monetary...

Boye: Next 48 hours could be critical for Greece (01:47)

Lots of action in the bond markets after Greek voters rejected the...

Jakobsen: Third plenum a turning point for China (02:24)

China’s top party officials are due to meet from Nov. 9-12 to...

EURUSD positioning around EU summit; Turkish... (01:24)

A lot of the fun went out of the EU summit after a German official...

Video FX Update: Euro Flies, USD dies (14:22)

The market is in a rapture over the EU summit outcome as the Euro...

Video: FX Update - QE3, Meet Mr. Plosser (16:48)

The US Philadelphia Fed's Plosser was out with a more than hawkish...

Video: FX Update - QE sickness again? (12:46)

Fresh Euro shorts were squeezed mercilessly in today's trade as the...

Video: FX Update - Euro pain (12:59)

The complacent Euro-longs got an ugly wake-up call today as the...

Video: FX Update - Market too complacent? (18:58)

We've come almost full circle in FX as JPY crosses are trading...
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