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Coleman: Looking for a break in USDCHF (01:26)

Ian Coleman has spotted bullish short-term signals in USDCHF ahead...

Hardy: Looking for the Swissie slide to... (03:10)

The Swiss franc has taken a bit of a tumble this Friday and is...

Coleman: USDCHF countertrend move (01:11)

Eyeing a countertrend USDCHF move Ian Coleman sees four reasons why...

Coleman: Why I'm selling USDCHF (01:04)

Ian Coleman from First 4 Trading is expecting continued weakness in...

Hardy: Why I'm looking for a USD rally (03:03)

Saxo's John Hardy believes the market reacted complacently to last...

Faraday: USD Swiss recovery offers opportunity (01:00)

Faraday analyst Alex Joyner talks us through his ideas for a USDCHF...

Knuthsen: Why Denmark won't scrap its peg to... (03:16)

Ever since last week’s decision to scrap the Swiss franc ceiling...

Beecroft: Swiss shock but will ECB stun? (02:37)

Traders are still mulling over the shock Swiss move as markets try...

Hansen: How long will this gold rush last? (03:17)

The financial world is still trying to come to terms with the...

Hardy: Swiss shock update (05:11)

Saxo Bank's Head of FX Strategy John Hardy brings us up to date...

Are you aware of the potential Swiss gold shock? (02:42)

A major shock could be on its way which could dramatically change...

The 'odd risks' of trading EURCHF you must be... (02:33)

There are some odd risks with trading EURCHF right now, according...
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