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Saxo Strats: How John Hardy is trading USDCAD (01:27)

Saxo Bank's Head of FX Strategy John Hardy explains how he's...

Berger: My Best & Worst Trade of 2014 (01:31)

With the 2014 trading year coming to an end, we at...

Jakobsen: The Fed's rose-tinted world view (03:27)

The FOMC sees the world coloured by rose-tinted spectacles. That's...

Berger: The levels to watch as I short the S&P500 (01:24)

Trader, Serge Berger, is looking to short the SP500 this Monday. He...

Why this USD rally has another 20% to go (02:43)

The US dollar still has a long way to climb, up to twenty percent...

Berger: Jumping on the S&P 500's 'oversold bounce' (01:30)

"I'm looking for an over-sold bounce in the S 500 Index"; so says...

Morningstar: The science of stock picking (02:11)

Tim Strauts, Morningstar analyst, explains how he uses quantative...

Why US growth doesn't mean jobs. (01:49)

What tells you more about the economic situation in the US:...

The gold slump: Could it happen again? (02:02)

If you were long gold this time last year, you most likely don't...

Garnry on equities: "It feels like a bubble" (01:27)

"It's the first time in three years I've had the feeling it's a...

Garnry on equities: "It feels like a bubble" (02:02)

"It's the first time in three years I've had the feeling it's a...
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