Tagged with bondbuying


Fasdal: As QE begins look out for the risk factors

354 views March 09, 2015

The ECB begins its monthly 60 billion Euro QE programme this Monday. Saxo's head of fixed income,...


From bonds to equities: How to trade QE

707 views March 05, 2015

As bond yields across Europe turn negative, why are people still investing in them? Simon Fasdal...


Fasdal on bonds: What to expect in 2015

594 views December 23, 2014

If you want to invest in bonds in 2015, there are a few things to watch out for, says Saxo...


Is it too late to jump on the 'Bond Wagon'?

215 views October 14, 2014

With equities taking a hammering in European markets and as Eurozone woes multiply, investors are...


Knuthsen: Why I'm now neutral on bonds versus...

334 views October 09, 2014

Teis Knuthsen, Chief Investment Officer for Saxo Private Bank, explains why he's shifted his...


Jakobsen: Why the pain in Portugal will really...

467 views July 15, 2014

Steen Jakobsen analyses the continuing crisis in Portugal as the Banco Espirito Santo group...


Brazilian bonds offer kicking returns, but...

268 views June 19, 2014

The focus of the world is on Brazil for the World Cup but what about investing in the country...


Danger! slow moving markets ahead

4,875 views April 25, 2014

A lack of volatility in the markets is dangerous, according to Saxo Bank's Chief Economist Steen...


Jakobsen: Bonds only escape from the bear trap

931 views April 08, 2014

With the stock market looking like it's going through a correction after Q1 highs, and with mixed...


How the bond market will react to tapering

416 views December 16, 2013

If and when the US Federal Reserve begins to taper its asset purchase programme, how will the...


Jakobsen: US reality is increasingly dire

669 views July 31, 2013

Enjoy the third quarter of 2013, the next peak won't be for another four years; that's the view...


The key to the next dollar rally

683 views July 16, 2013

The Fed Chairman, Ben Bernanke, is bound to give the markets more direction this week; he’s...