Tagged with brent geo-political


Three US oil companies at 'compelling levels'

453 views November 13, 2014

The big business story this week has been crude oil's decline, with Brent currently trading...


Hansen: We are facing a new world order in oil

876 views October 29, 2014

Statoil is the latest energy company to post a loss in its third quarter earnings. It follows bad...


Hansen: How I'm trading oil and gold

808 views October 24, 2014

Oil markets have finally begun to stabilise after their recent price slump. Saxo’s Ole Hansen...


Commodities: How low can oil go?

480 views September 26, 2014

You need only take a look at the energy sector to see what a mixed bag it’s been this week for...


What's behind the collapse in commodities?

572 views September 12, 2014

What’s happening to commodities? The BBG Commodity Index has fallen to a five year low this week,...


Hansen: What if the US lifted its oil export ban

219 views September 03, 2014

Imposed more than forty years ago, during a surge in Middle East conflict, unrest in Ukraine is...


Rising dollar hits commodities like gold

220 views September 05, 2014

After last week’s rise, the Bloomberg Commodity Index has fallen this week by more than 1%. A...


Three trades on oil, gold and agriculture

345 views August 15, 2014

If you'd been betting on ever-rising commodity prices, you could soon be counting your losses....


As the oil price falls how best to trade crude

324 views August 13, 2014

What is happening to the price of oil? Despite increasing geopolitical risk in countries like...


How to trade oil and gold as geopolitical risks...

409 views August 08, 2014

Increasing geopolitical concerns in Iraq, Russia and Ukraine have been affecting commodity prices...


What's really behind crude's dramatic decline

308 views August 05, 2014

The past few weeks have seen a dramatic fall in crude oil prices – of around USD 10 per barrel....


Jakobsen: How to calculate the cost of conflict

350 views July 22, 2014

With economies taking uneasy steps towards recovery, the deepening of world conflicts comes at a...